Beat winter blahs with these home improvement projects.
The holidays are over and, unless you get MLK day off, you don’t have another holiday until Spring. The days are getting longer, but there are still more hours of darkness than light every day. Try a quick home improvement project to brighten your home and make the weeks ahead a little lighter!Brighten your bath
It’s probably the first thing you see every morning. A bright, shiny bathroom can go a long way to helping you start your day on an up note.If you have a dated or worn bathtub or shower, refinishing them will make a HUGE difference. A bright, white bathtub or shower makes the whole bathroom feel lighter and more uplifting. (Who wouldn’t love a nice warm bath this time of year?) Give us a call for an estimate – you’ll be surprised how affordable bathtub refinishing is! And the best news? Most tubs can be used the same day we refinish them!
Add a few candles to your bathroom. The warm glow will add to the coziness factor and help you feel warmer. If you’re worried about open flames around pets or kids you can use the LED version. They really can look like the real thing.
Bring the sunlight in
On days where the sun is shining – even for a few hours – take advantage of it with these tips.Open the window treatments during daylight hours. Not only will your home feel brighter, the sunlight will help warm your home. Save on your heating bill!
You probably don’t open your windows this time of year, so remove the screens. You’d be surprised how much more light gets in.
Consider adding a mirror opposite a bright window. It will reflect the bright light into the room.
Refresh your kitchen
Where do you spend most of your waking hours at home? For many people, it’s the kitchen. A light, updated kitchen can help your family improve their mood all year long.Bright sinks and countertops will make a big difference. We can refinish your sink or countertop in just a few days. Learn more about out sink refinishing services and countertop refinishing services on our website.
Replace old incandescent light bulbs with cool white LEDs. Shoot for bulbs with light ratings around 4000K. Lights rated much cooler may be too stark for your home.